Bergpark / Mountain park

Meeting point and practice area at the middle station of ski resort Hochzeiger

Pitzi's Bergpark for children

Juniors lernen Skifahren mit Skilehrerin

Our juniors (children from 5 years) have their own practice area, which is called Pitzi’s Bergpark, at the middle station of the ski resort. Its size is 7.000 m² an it is equipped with 3 moving carpets and a carousel. With a lot of stubbies, wheels, figures, and other helping tools the ski course makes a lot of fun.

In the warm-up hut the children get warm tea on cold days.

With the Pitzi-Express (a skidoo with a trailer) the children are taken for a short lap in the snow. Our kids like this short and funny breaks and it loosens up the ski course.

At the weekly „Pitzi party“ our popular mascot „Pitzi“, the Capricorn, visits the children and they celebrate and play some team games together.

Bergpark Kinder & Erwachsene
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