Pitzi ski course &
snow adventure

We particularly welcome children.

Pitzi ski course

for children from 3 – 4 years
skill levels

Our Pitzi ski course for 3- and 4-year-old kids is a lot more than only skiing. The kids await fun and action at the "playground snow" in the practising area Pitzipark, which is located at the bottom station.

Playfully, we support the children (from 3 years) on their first steps on snow and teach them how to ski. During the Pitzi ski course and Pitzi’s snow adventure, our highly educated ski instructors created various programs for our future snow heroes.

The most important thing is fun in the group with other kids, security, and the exercise in the fresh air with and without skis. Because of that, learning success comes really easily and totally stress-free.

Prices Pitzi ski course

Use our pack list, so that you don’t forget something for your ski holidays. And for children, we have a coloring page to get in „winter holiday-mood“.
Course times

The pitzi ski course takes place from
Monday until Friday from
9.15 am to 10.45 am or 11 am to 12.30 pm

During the Christmas holidays we offer additional days for Pitzi ski courses. Please have a look at our onlineshop or contact us by e-mail.


Always 15 minutes before the course starts at the Pitzipark at the bottom station of the ski resort Hochzeiger.


  • Beginners can start the course from Monday until Thursday. The Pitzi ski course can be extended daily (if there are still places available).
  • Pitzi trial hour: for 2- and 3-year-olds from Monday until Thursday
  • Pitzi’s snow adventure: It’s a various playing program for 3- and 4-year-olds from Monday until Thursday from 1.45 pm to 3.45 pm.
  • Every Friday: Ski race with a medal for each child.
  • You can rent the equipment at one of the sports shops at the bottom station of the ski resort Hochzeiger Pitztal.

Pitzi's snow adventure

Our snow adventure is a playing program in the afternoon for our „Pitzis“ (3- and 4-year-old children). This is an important part of our offer for the little ones. The physical condition and also the ability to concentrate aren’t fully matured. Besides that learning to ski in the afternoon is very exhausting. That´s why we created this playing afternoon, where fun and games with other children are on the schedule. From Monday until Thursday, the kids experience a lot of adventures during snowshoe hiking, searching animal tracks, sledging, or with Pitzi’s new friend „Gratsch“, …
Course times
From Monday until Thursday from 1.45 pm to 3.45 pm
(in low season and Easter holidays 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm).
pitzi rund


At Pitzi’s snow adventure, fun and action is in the focus!

Equipment for Pitzi's snow adventure

  • Good winter shoes (no ski boots)
  • Winter clothes
  • Cap or a helmet (helmet only for sledging)
  • Sun glasses or goggles
  • Gloves
  • Sun cream

Child care (0 to 4 years)

We offer private child care / baby sitting for your toddlers. To get more information to the private child care and available times please contact our skischool office by e-mail or phone.
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Level guide Pitzis


Flitzen (schuss)

After the first familiarization exercises on skis, the children now learn to ski in schuss.

braking (plough)

Learning to use the snow plow is not just about braking. The snowplow also forms the basis of taking the curves, and thus skiing the first direction changes.

Turning - plough turns

At this skill level, the "little ones" are already able to line up the first changes of direction in the practice area.


The children are now able to take the pommel lift and safely master smaller descents on blue ski slopes.

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