Sustainability in winter tourism

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The winter sports community, the sustainability of ski tourism and the protection of the alpine environment are compatible

The beauty and fascination of skiing in the Alps are undeniable, but at the same time, nature is facing ever-increasing challenges. Sustainability in winter tourism is also becoming increasingly important in our ski area Hochzeiger. As enthusiastic skiers, we also have a responsibility. We must do whatever is necessary to make the sport, which we love, sustainable and do our part to protect the environment.

In this blog post, we will talk about how the winter sports community can practice pro-environmental behaviour to preserve and protect the alpine environment so that future generations also can enjoy an intact skiing experience.


The 3 golden rules for environmentally Conscious and nature-friendly Behaviour

1st rule: Use of public transport

Everybody should try to use environmentally friendly options for the arrival. For example, you can use public transport like bus or train or use carpooling. This can reduce CO² emissions.

2nd rule: Pay attention to protected areas

An important step towards eco-friendly skiing is to respect nature and the mountains with all their flora and fauna. Skiing in protected or closed areas must be avoided.

These areas are closed not only because of alpine dangers (e.g. avalanches) but also serve as protection for many wild animals and an opportunity to retreat and spend the winter undisturbed.

3rd rule: Don’t throw away rubbish or leave it behind

For everyone, whether in the mountains or the forest, it should be a matter of course that rubbish or other waste is packed in a backpack and thrown in the appropriate rubbish bin at home.

It is also necessary to ensure that cigarette butts or bottle/can caps are thrown in the correct rubbish bin at home. Please don’t throw it into our beautiful nature! Careless disposal can have fatal consequences for the environment.

As a principal rule, everyone should think about, what his or her behavior at home is. At your home, you won’t throw a cigarette butt at the bottom and leave it there.

You should behave in nature the way you do at home!

The International Ski Federation (FIS) urges winter sports enthusiasts to observe the following sustainability guidelines:

  • Choose environmentally friendly options for your arrival (e.g. bus or train).
  • Carpool if arriving by private car.
  • Leave your car at your accommodation and take public transport to the ski area.
  • Only go skiing or snowboarding, when the slopes are sufficiently thick.
  • Stick to the marked slopes and trails.
  • Respect slope markings and closures.
  • Refrain from skiing off-piste, especially in forested areas.
  • Do not ski in protected areas and protect the animals and plants.
  • Take your rubbish with you and never throw away anything.


As winter sports enthusiasts, we are responsible for preserving the beauty and uniqueness of alpine nature. Through environmentally friendly behaviour and conscious decisions, we can contribute positively to environmental protection.

Let’s work together to ensure that future generations can enjoy the same privilege of skiing in an intact alpine environment! Protecting nature is in our hands!

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