What to Wear When Skiing with Kids in the Spring

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A Guide to Ski Clothing for Children

In spring, when temperatures slowly rise, you must dress your children “correctly”. It is best to wear several layers. It’s usually a little colder in the morning, but it can get warm in the afternoon. Wearing several layers allows the children to take off a layer at lunchtime and this means that the children are properly dressed even in the afternoon when the temperatures are warmer. With quality materials and bright colours, they’ll be set to make the most of their ski day with warm, stylish, and comfortable wear.

So what are the layers your child should wear:

1st layer: functional underwear as a base layer

2nd layer: warming layer as a middle layer (This layer can be removed at midday.)

3rd layer: Ski pants and ski jacket as a waterproof outer layer

Ski clothing children in spring
The right way to wear socks in your ski boots
Creases in ski socks press into ski boots.
the right way to wear your hair underneath your helmet
Hair clips should not be worn under a ski helmet. Braids should also be tied together outside of the ski helmet.


It is also essential to protect your eyes and skin (even in cloudy weather)! UV radiation exists even when it is cloudy, which is why ski goggles or sunglasses must always be worn. A sunscreen with high UV protection should also be used to avoid sunburn. It is best to reapply the sunscreen after lunch so that the skin is still protected in the afternoon.

It is also important that children always wear their gloves. The edges of the skis are often very sharp and can cause cuts. Wearing gloves protects against this risk of injury.


If these points are considered when it comes to ski clothing, then nothing will stand in the way of skiing fun and you or your children can enjoy carefree days with us at the Hochzeiger ski school.

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